Houston Power League consists of four weekends of tournament play for 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s and 15s. The Power League is set up as a series of events throughout the season and played at various venues across Houston including AVA, FAST Complex, Houston Skyline, Katy United, Texas United, The Competitive Edge and Texas Tornados.
SCHEDULE FOR HPL#2 is posted. Check back after Friday at noon for any changes!
REGISTRATION OPENS AUG 26th via Advanced Event Systems.
Entry Fee | Registration Deadline |
$880 | 12/6/2024 |
Partial Registrations
Teams that are unable to play in all events will be accepted as space allows. In recent years, the event has been full and teams have not been guaranteed a spot for specific events unless other teams have been unable to play.
Initial Seeding
Teams are seeded initially in PL#1 and then move seed each event based on where they finish. If an event is skipped, teams will drop to the bottom of the division.
- Jan 11-12 2025
- Jan 25-26 2025
- Feb 22-23 2025
- March 22-23 2025
Sign up to officiate via Advance Event Systems. Head officials are Ricardo Elizondo (scheduling) and Stacia Washington (membership and payments).
General Info
- General Admission (Ages 12+) $10
- Student (Ages 6–11) $5
- Seniors (Ages 65+) $5
All sites open at 7:15am. Each site has their own ticketing process. The following venues use 2gotix.com for online admissions: AVA, The Edge, FAST, Katy United, Skyline, Texas United & Tornados. Please note: YOU MUST PURCHASE THE TICKET FOR THE SPECIFIC VENUE or you will have to request a refund and repurchase!
Venue Info for AVA
Doors will open 45 minutes before the first scheduled match. Digital ticket holders will enter first.
● NO folding chairs are allowed, only Stadium seats allowed. Seating is provided.
● NO coolers are allowed.
● Food purchased in the concessions area CAN be taken to all SPECTATOR areas but can NOT be taken
into the playing area by players or coaches.
● This is a Tobacco-Free facility. Tobacco of any kind is strictly prohibited on the property. Sidewalks
and parking lots are also TOBACCO-FREE.
● Players and Coaches will enter through the single glass doors on the right side of the main entrance. Signs
will be posted.
● Spectators will enter through the double doors at the main entrance. Signs will be posted.
In addition to parking at AVA, there are more available parking spots at OneLife Church across the street (Saturdays only) & East side of Old Galveston Rd. Green lines indicate that parking IS PERMITTED. Parking is NOT currently available at the other buildings of this business park or along any other street. AVA is not responsible for the business park towing.
For locations of playing sites, see the Map of Venues page. There is no outside food or drinks allowed in any facility.
Venue Info for FAST Complex
Parking on site and next door at Park and Ride.
Outside chairs are allowed.
For locations of playing sites, see the Map of Venues page. There is no outside food or drinks allowed in any facility.
Venue Info for Houston Skyline
Skyline Facility Rules
Click here Houston-Skyline-Facility-Tips-and-Guidelines-1
For locations of playing sites, see the Map of Venues page. There is no outside food or drinks allowed in any facility.
Venue Info for Katy United
For locations of playing sites, see the Map of Venues page. There is no outside food or drinks allowed in any facility.
Venue Info for The Edge
TAV THE EDGE – There is limited parking in front of the facility, and we usually have a full parking lot. Parking is NOT permitted in the strip mall parking lot that serves the veterinarian’s office and Tewbeleaux’s. YOUR CAR WILL BE TOWED IF YOU PARK IN THIS AREA. Parking IS permitted in the Christian Brother’s parking lot as well as the Kids R Kids parking area. There is also parking in the back of the facility. – NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK allowed inside the building or on the sport court except water bottles for the players. – TAILGATING is NOT allowed at our facility.
Venue Info for Texas Tornados
TEXAS TORNADOS – Texas Tornados is NO LONGER offering a shuttle service.
ALLOWED PARKING: 225 spaces at Texas Tornados, Street on Wheatcross Drive, Daycare Parking Spaces.
DO NOT PARK: Goforth Park, Professional Buildings in front of Goforth Park, Emergency Dispatch Center (behind the building), Cornerstone Church, ASI Gymnastics, Cypress Assisted Living, In the Copper Lakes Subdivision (reserved for property owners)
Venue Info for Texas United
TEXAS UNITED VOLLEYBALL COMPLEX – Park in the designated parking lot and overflow grass area on TUV property. Extra parking is at the VFW next to the facility. Please DO NOT park on the grass area at the VFW, towing is enforced. Follow signs in the parking lots.
NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK allowed inside the building. Tailgating is permitted outside. Tents and picnic areas are allowed. Please pick up your trash! Spectators need to bring their own chairs. We currently do not provide seating.
For locations of playing sites, see the Map of Venues page. There is no outside food or drinks allowed in any facility.
Schedules for each event are posted no later than the Wednesday evening prior to the weekend’s event at Advanced Event Systems www.advancedeventsystems.com.
All teams must check the schedule again by Friday at noon for any last minute changes. Teams will play either Saturday or Sunday, not both days.
Wave Schedule for 2025 can be found below by weekend.
Generally, the schedule is as follows but see detailed schedule below:
11s, 12s & 15s play on Saturday for HPL#1 #2 and Sunday HPL#3 & 4
13s & 14s play on Sunday for HPL#1 and #2 and Saturday for HPL#3 & 4 (some 13s & 14s will play on Saturday pm).
- Teams 1–8 = Pools 1 & 2
- Teams 9–16 = Pools 3 & 4
- Teams 17–32 = Pools 5–8
- Teams 33–48 = Pools 9–12 and so on…
See flowcharts for detailed movement of teams. Pools 1 & 2 are the top 8 teams. 3rd & 4th from these pools will move down to Pools 3 & 4. Pools 3 & 4 are teams 9-16. 1st & 2nd in these pools will move up to Pools 1 or 2. 3rd & 4th will move down to Pools 5-8. The remaining pools are grouped in 4 pools of 4 or 16 teams (ex: pools 5-8, pools 9-12, etc). 1st in each pool moves up to next grouping, 2nd & 3rd remain and 4th moves down to lower grouping. Ties: 3 way tie will be settled based on USAV qualifier manual guidelines. 2 way ties will be determined by head to head results.
PL 1 Waves
Divisions | PL#1 (Jan 11-12) |
11s | Saturday |
12s | Saturday |
13s | Sunday |
14s | Saturday PM or Sunday |
15s | Saturday |
PL 2 Waves
Divisions | PL#2 (Jan 25-26) |
11s | Saturday |
12s | Saturday |
13s | Saturday PM or Sunday |
14s | Sunday |
15s | Saturday |
PL 3 Waves
Divisions | PL#3 (Feb 22-23) |
11s | Sunday |
12s | Sunday |
13s | Saturday |
14s | Saturday |
15s | Saturday PM or Sunday |
PL 4 Waves
Divisions | PL#4 (Mar 22-23) |
11s | Sunday |
12s | Saturday PM or Sunday |
13s | Saturday |
14s | Saturday |
15s | Sunday |